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Meet Our Author: Kathleen Bradford

Vince Font

Kathleen Bradford, author of "The Light Worker"

With an eye for the extraordinary and a keen sense for all things metaphysical, Kathleen Bradford brings a touch of light and wonderment to just about everything she does. Her novel is a testament to the growth that occurs when humans seek magic in the ordinary and turn inward to discover the strength and wisdom within themselves.

Kathleen is a lovely and spirited writer with a certain magic she wishes to share with the world. We at Glass Spider Publishing are honored to work with her for the re-release of her beautifully written story, The Light Worker.

We hope you’ll enjoy her warm energy as much as we did. Be sure to connect with her on Facebook to stay updated on signings, events, and news about her future works.

When did you first start writing?

When I was in grade school. I was a loner and didn’t make many friends. So my way of expression was to take my feelings and thoughts and make them into stories.

What does a perfect writing environment look like for you?

I prefer quiet mornings outside listening to the birds, with my dog in my lap, a notepad and pen, and a cup of coffee.

What inspired you to write The Light Worker?

I had a desire to share personal experiences of a certain magic I have been lucky enough to witness. My mother ignited the fire inside and encouraged me to fulfill my passion to tell my stories by sharing my experiences, strengths, and hope in a way that was both entertaining and inspiring.

Can you give us a basic idea of what your book is about?

It is about finding the power within ourselves, releasing our fears, and connecting to everything in our world—looking at all love and compassion that is available and discovering the many possibilities and opportunities around us, and then embracing it all.

Any particular favorite scenes, or sections of the book that were difficult to write?

I personally love the whole book. The only real challenge was putting together the words to describe what I was seeing in my mind’s eye and what I was feeling in a way that the reader would be able to also see and feel. But once it takes hold, the story just flows out my pen and I am always surprised at what comes next.

The main character in your book experiences some forces that are out of the ordinary, even metaphysical. Can you tell us why you were drawn to writing this into your story?

This is the reason I wrote the book. I believe there are no limits to what is, what was, and what can be. I truly believe everything is real and anything is possible, that the spiritual and physical realities we have and create can mesh and work simultaneously as a whole.

What kind of reader do you think might like to read The Light Worker?

Anyone who wants to escape into a magical journey. Even though the story is fiction, there is truth of what can be. My hope is that those who read the series feel validated, enlightened, and grounded in whom they really are and who they can become.

Why do you think telling stories like yours is an important task?

It is essential to me to be and to express the change I want to see in the world.

What brought you to publish with Glass Spider Publishing?

I had gone through several publishers, none of which I felt secure or satisfied with. So I kept asking the Universe/divinity for assistance. A friend who knows of my affection for spiders told me about this publishing company she had come across in her ventures of art work, Glass Spider, and thought of me. But being the skeptic I had become, I was resistant, even though “here’s your sign” was pretty apparent. I took the risk anyway—what could it hurt? I have never felt more happy or grateful and secure in the publishing processes. The service and personable care and concern they provide are outstanding.

What advice might you have for writers hoping to publish a book?

Never give up. Never stop believing what you have to share is worth giving to the world. Be honest with yourself without criticizing. Find out and know your limits, and be willing to learn from and overcome them.


Glass Spider Publishing is an Ogden-based editing, book design, publication, and marketing service run by a close-knit team of professionals with a passion for great storytelling. If you're interested in getting your book published, contact us today.

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