What Questions Should I Ask my Beta Readers?
Giving your beta readers a questionnaire makes it easier for you to collect and compare feedback. Here are some of the top questions to incl
What Do I Do with Beta Readers Once I’ve Found Them?
Some writers have no difficulty finding beta readers, but not everyone knows what to do with them once they’ve got them. Here’s my advice.
Where Do I Find Beta Readers?
Beta readers aren't very easy to find. Here are some tips on where to look and how to find beta readers for your book.
What Are Beta Readers, and Do You Really Need Them?
What's the difference between a beta reader and an editor, and do you really need beta readers at all? The answers might surprise you.
5 More Alternatives to Selling Your Book in a Bookstore
Indie bookstores are great, but a smart author casts a wide net to grow their audience. Here are 5 more non-bookstore places to sell your bo
5 Places to Sell Your Book (Other than a Bookstore)
If you’ve got your book on the shelf of your local indie bookseller, well done. But don't stop there. Here are some suggestions on other
Top 5 Reasons to Self-Publish Your Book (with our help, of course!)
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Glass Spider Authors Take Top Honors at IPA Book Awards
Oh, hi, folks! It's been a minute—but as those of you who have ever owned and operated a small publishing biz can attest to, there's...